Sunday, February 26, 2006

Fly fishing trips for the uninitiated

Author: Dale East

Article: If you have never taken a fly fishing trip before and you are planning on heading for the wilderness, take along a buddy. At worst you'll have someone to compete with during the telling of one that got away stories. At best you'll have someone to help if trouble strikes.

Go prepared for all weathers and conditions. You'll be miserable if you spend several hours in freezing weather dressed only in shorts and t-shirt.

Remember that the more remote the stream you are fishing, the more easily spooked the fish will be. Approach the water carefully and think for a while before you wade in.

Packing your gear for your fly fishing trip

Try out your gear before you leave on your fly fishing trip. Broken tackle in remote areas is not easy to replace. Carry some extras for emergency repairs.

Avid anglers will often take a small fly tying kit with them so they can whip up a fly to match whatever is hatching on the water. Others use scissors or clippers to trim a ready prepared fly into an ""almost matches the hatch"" one.

Remember to take a current license with you. Murphy's law states that the only time you leave it behind is the time the ranger will want to see it.

Before you leave, have a look at the fishing reports for the area you are intending to fish. You'll get good information about what's going on, including river levels, hatches and other details.

When you arrive or get close to your destination, wander into the local tackle store and speak with the sales people. They'll usually know what's going on and have a few tips for you.

Guided or self-guided fly fishing trips

A guided fishing trip is a good idea if you are fishing unfamiliar waters. Even a couple of hours with an expert will give you hints and tips that apply to that particular spot. You'll spend more time in productive fishing.

Guided trips can cost you dearly. You'll pay by the hour, by the day, or by whatever the guide decrees. Some guided trips will include tackle, some will not. The price will vary accordingly.

If you are an experienced angler and expert at reading any water then you'll be able to get away without paying for a guide. Sometimes peace and solitude is well worth a couple of hours of getting used to the stream.

For me, the hike into the backcountry enhances the trip. I take time to soak in the fresh air and admire the scenery. The fishing is the climax, but the journey is well worth the time.

Fly fishing is more than just a sport, it is like painting with many brushes. An extended fly fishing trip will enable you to practice your artistry. If you return with nothing more than a greater appreciation of the beauty of a trout, then you will have returned a greater artist.

About the author: Dale East is a long time outdoorsman and fly fisher and publisher of <a href=""""target=""blank_"">Fly Fishing Wyoming</a>

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