Sunday, March 26, 2006

Are You Using The Right Fly Fishing Line?

Author: Lee Dobbins

Article: Your fishing equipment is critical to helping you land that trophy fish and when it comes to fly fishing your line is one of the most important parts of your tackle. Having the right line for the fishing conditions will help you cast accurately and reel in that big one.

Many fishermen use colored line which is easier to see in the water. But if it is easier for you to see, does that mean it is also easier for the fish to see? Probably not. Most likely the fish will only see your leader as well as the fly so don't worry too much about the line color.

One big decision when it comes to fly fishing line is whether you want to use floating or sinking line. This really depends on the type of fishing you are considering. If you want Your flies to stay on top of the water then a floating line is probably best as it will allow your dry flies to float and will be easier to cast. Floating line is a bit more versatile than sinking line, but if you want to do deep water fishing, you might want to consider sinking lines although they will be harder to recast once the line is in the water.

The shape of the line is also another consideration when choosing your fly fishing line. Fishing conditions will generally be the deciding factor here. Double taper lines are a certain diameter on each end but are wider in the center. They are the simplest to use if you are roll casting. Weight forward lines have more weight at the lead end. They can be harder to cast but are better to use if it is windy.

One thing that may seem obvious when buying fly fishing line is to consider the rod makers recommendations. Any given rod is most compatible with a certain weight of fishing line. Now, you can use any weight you want, but it is at your own risk. Generally speaking, you are better off going with what the rod manufacturer has designed the rod for.

The weight of your line is dictated by the waters you will be fishing and fish you plan to catch. A 3 to 5 weight line is good for small streams where you might catch smaller trout and panfish. A medium weight of 5 to 7 works good for trout and bass in medium rivers. If you are fishing for big trout, salmon or bass or are fishing in big rivers or even light salt water you might go with a 7 to 9 weight line. A 12 weight line is recommended when you are really going for that big catch.

You should also consider buying fly line backing. There are two reasons for this. The first is it will fill up your fly reel before you get to the actual fly line. This way it won't take so long to reel in your line. Also, it will allow the fish to run out farther than the line itself. It's not a big deal for fishing for small trout in streams, but you might want it if you're going after much bigger fish like tarpon.

Taking care of your fishing line will help it last longer and work better. Most importantly you should take care to keep your line clean. Fly lines will pick up dirt and film from the water - so be sure to clean them before putting them away.

Happy Fishing!

About the author: Lee Dobbins writes for <a href="""">Fishing Around</a> where you can get more <a href="""">fl y fishing tips</a>.

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