Monday, September 11, 2006

The Fishing Game: Physical and Spiritual Delight

Author: Robbie Darmona

Fishing game is considered a mild therapy by many psychologists: a way to get in touch with nature and return to our true selves. Why do most anglers fish? Not because of their sustenance, that is for sure. Fishing has become a game and is done with recreational purposes. It is, so to say, a kind of meditation, a way to get out of the daily routine and feel part of nature.

As in every game, special regulations are set for the fishing game. But most admired is the sportsmanship which exists between devoted anglers. To set a good example for the youngsters is the other reason why fishing game is played fair. In fishing games all players have great respect for living creatures and environmental protection. Fish is looked upon not as catch, but as a partner in the game.

When going on a fishing game, the angler has full appreciation of nature. Fishing game is not an avid search for more and more fish with which to boast before your friends. It is a way to express your positive attitude towards natural world. Fishermen enjoy contemplating the darting fish in the clear water. They regard fish as a manifestation of the divine, and fishing games are just a way to unite with the sparkling Universe and to share the joy with your companions.

Fishing games are different from other games, because you have to be truly devoted to fishing to get uplifted by the activity itself. There are several types of fishing games, one of them is the so called ""offshore game fishing"". It is the catching of fish while boating in the open sea. Usually big fish are caught that way- marlins or tunas. Being in the wild and roaring sea causes special mood in most players. Here the connection with nature is even stronger and many people consider offshore fishing as a serene activity where contemplation is an aim in itself. While fishing offshore, most anglers leave competitive style behind, and do everything in a relaxed state of mind. Offshore games are not sport activities, they serve the mere purpose of giving pleasure. For more information click Fishing

But there are certain regulations that even the most meditative anglers should look upon. First of all, offshore fishing games require you to have a special boat with a certain capacity: it need to be a big one, from 30 up to 50 feet in length. The only thing that must be done is to reel a fish after it had been hooked. But this is terribly difficult, as deep sea fish are enormous, and many things had to be considered before actually catching it. Even if you manage somehow to hook the fish, the real problem is to keep the fishing line maintained on its specific tension.

Because of the hardness of the task that has to be completed, anglers must strictly follow the regulations of the fishing game. While fishing offshore, this can be vital for their successful catch. Sticking to the regulations also sets a good example for the others, and makes from fishing a friendly game, where people respect each other, as well as nature.

About the author: Article by Robbie Darmona - an article author who writes on a wide variety of subjects. For more information click Fishing


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