Monday, September 25, 2006

Go Fishing And Enjoy Yourself

Author: Hege Crowton

Article: Would you like to experience a new outdoor adventure along with the rest of your family or perhaps just all by yourself? If you are a person who likes the outdoors you probably would enjoy fishing very much. Along with the fishing experience you also get to enjoy nature whether it is the ocean or the woods and mountains surrounding the lake where you are going fishing.

Having being born into a family of fishermen there is for me no such thing as spending a day out on the ocean which is my favorite place. I never was much into lake fishing although ice fishing on a lake can be a lot of fun. By the time I reached school age I had probably done more fishing than many people get to do during their lifetime and I could have found my way blind folded to all the best fishing spots around.

One of my earliest memories is from fishing and II can remember my grandfather wrapping me up in a blanket early in the morning and placing me in the front of his 17 foot fishing boat. There I laid eating the breakfast he had made me while he was heading for one of the many spots which was great for some early morning fishing. I could not have been more than 3 or 4 years old.

These are the kind of memories many of my friends has too and it could be similar to the ones you could create together with your family. Imagine being out there on the big open waters and having whales pulling up along side your boat? Yes it can be kind of scary but at the same time it is something which does not happen all too often. What about getting the biggest fish you could ever imagine on the line and you are barely able to get him to the boat?

There is nothing like catching fish and being able to pull into a deserted beach, on a small island and cook it right there on a campfire. Even though I never got into fishing on a lake does not mean I never did it. Being out there in the wild after the sun has gone down, hearing only the fish breaing the surface of the lake, is something very special. Ice fishing is another fun way to fish but it takes a lot of patience and a lot of warm clothes.

Fishing is not only a way to catch food but it is also a great way to relax and enjoy yourself and your family. You do not need a boat or expensive fishing rods in order to enjoy fishing. For hundred of years all people used was a poll, line and a hook and that is still all you need to have a good time fishing. You should try it sometime.

About the author: Hege Crowton is an established expert copywriter. She is known for doing in-depth research before writing her articles. <a href=""""></a> <a href=""""></a> Copyright 2006 <a href=""""></a>

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