Thursday, October 26, 2006


Author: nlcatfish

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Nov 7th. I got to my first fishing spot on the river at 07:45. There was some light fog and a little current on the river as I dropped my anchor. Fished this spot just kept getting hard bites, but never got one hooked. I then started to check out other spots that produced fish in the past. The third place by the bridge pier; turned the trick. 10 o'clock sharp boated my first fish of the day. It was a nice channel cat that weighed in at 5.6 pounds. This fish liked the small skipjack that was on the hook. A nice blue cat took off at 10:25, when in the boat measured out at 28 inches, 9.5 pounds. This fish like the chunk of rare seasoned steak that I had as bait.

I was running a little low on bait so headed up river to catch some fresh Shad. The fog was still on the water at that spot so it made locating the bait difficult. I threw my net several times and got only a few Shad for my efforts. Took what I caught, and headed back to my first spot of the day.

I got my boat and lines out at 11:30. 11:50 boated my one of my largest channel cats of theyear .This fish topped out at 10.9 pounds and 29 inches long. This fish also liked the chunk of raw steak. From then on I hooked a fish just a soon as I got fresh bait in the river. One time I had 2 nice channel cats and a 7 pound carp all in the bottom of my small boat at the same time. I had problems with taking a self timed photo of the fish. Just about time for the camera to take the picture the camera fell over or the fish flopped the wrong way. Whenever the reel took off, I just had to put the fish back down to reel in the new fish. I did get the photos of the cats but just weighed the carp. Once that was done I released them back to the river. The cat were caught on cut up Shad, the carp also liked the raw steak. The action stopped dead after I pulled in the carp so I headed for the last stop of the day.

I went back to the bridge pier for it was on the way back to the ramp. The wind was blowing up river and caused the boat to rock a good deal. As I was winding in my lines for the day I felt a fish. A small flathead had swallowed a cut up shad. This cat was so small he could not really do more than just cause a tap on the rod tip. The fish measured 17.5 inches and only 2.5 pounds.

When I headed home felt good to have such a great day of CATCHING fish. I caught all three types of catsfish, plus a nice carp. The largest number of fish caught on a trip this year 8. Over all weight of around 63 pounds tops in that department as well. Yes this was my BEST day of fishing this year. webmaster for Cincinnati Catfishing




About the author: Have been catfishing around the Downtown Cincinnati area of the Ohio River for over 40 years. Gone catfishing at Lockport Manitoba 5 times over the past 10 years. It is the greastest place to catch lots of huge CHANNEL catsfish in North America!! For the past 6 years have passed catfishing information for the Cincinnati part of the ohio river on my web site ""CINCINNATI CATFISHING"".

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